Animal Teachers
By Janet Halfmann
Illustrated by Katy Hudson
Ages 3-8, Picture Book, hardcover
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JANET TAKES YOU INSIDE THE BOOK! Click here for the video.
2014 Platinum & Gold Best Book Awards: Oppenheim Toy Portfolio
Honorable Mention: 2014 Tofte/Wright Children's Literature Awards: Council for WI Writers
The Story
In the forest, in the pond, in caves, prairies, and jungles, in all the world's outdoor "classrooms," baby animals are . . . learning! They are taking lessons on how to be an expert swimmer, alarm-sounder, racer-chaser, or hide-and-seeker. They don't have books, or disks, or computers. But they do have teachers!
My Inspiration
Whenever I read about or research animals, I serch for the exact details of their behavior, so I can make the life of the animal come alive for the reader. In doing this, i was fascinated by how animal parents teach their young, much like human parents and caregivers do. I think kids like to read about things that animals do that mirror their own lives.
Educational Connections
How animals learn, similarities to how humans learn, family relationships
Growing with Science blog: Learning About Animal Behavior with Animal Teachers
Illustrator Katy Hudson's Art Journey for Animal Teachers
"Just like human children, animal babies from chicks to bear cubs learn lessons from adults around them."—Kirkus Reviews
"Twelve vignettes explore the kinds of "lessons" that various animal adults teach to their offspring . . . Hudsons'graceful artwork offers a hint of anthropomorphic tenderness between the animal parents and children, while remaining naturalistic. Readers should especially enjoy prompts inviting them to compare their own behavior with that of the animals: "Do you yip? Can you bark? Or shout? Or yelp? How do you make yourself heard?"—Publishers Weekly